Title: Cinderella Moments
Author: Barbara Gobbs
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Nonfiction, Biographies & Memoirs
Price: $10.00
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 51
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: October 2007
Website: www.barbaragobbs.com
Email: faithfullyphx@cox.net |
About this Book: |
Have you ever wondered where in life are the ballgowns, tiarras and Prince Charming? Do you feel like you are living in a production of Cinderella: the Early Years? Are you talking to mice? Most women have been there - done that! However, when you tune in your heart and mind close enough, you'll find there are Cinderella Moments around every corner. At least,that's what the Lord and life has taught me. Join me for some life stories to lighten your heart and encourage your soul.
About the Author: |
Barbara Gobbs is a Bible teacher, speaker and author of "A Day's Devotion From Denver." She has a heart for women to learn and grow in God's Word. She and her husband currently reside in Phoenix AZ, but have heart ties to Denver Colorado and Jacksonville Florida. Barbara likes spending time with family and her girlfriends, hiking and speaking to women's group as well as writing.
Book Review: |
This book is a look at life lessons from the author. She is honest and sincere about the things she has learned. Barbara openly shares her personal experiences in a way her readers can identify with and draw encouargement from.
Order/Contact Info: |
Barbara Gobbs via email at faithfullyphx@cox.net or via website www.barbaragobbs.com