Title: Beyond Genesis: The Untold Story of Man's Origins
Author: Allen Epling
Category: Religion & Spiritual, History, Nonfiction
Price: $14.95
Language: English
Size: 6 x 9
Number of Pages: 141
ISBN Number: 1-4257-0414-X
Publication Date: May, 2006
Website: http://www2.xlibris.com/bookstore/bookdisplay.asp?bookid=32435
Email: a_epling@yahoo.com |
About this Book: |
With all the controversy over Creationism Versus Evolution in our schools, Allen Epling has presented a possible solution in a dramatic new hypothesis. This book explores the mysteries of Genesis and attempts to explain them in a way that will not offend anyone who is looking for answers and wants to believe. It contains startling new evidence that the stories in Genesis are true and historical. He uses the latest discoveries in science and genetics to propose a radical new hypothesis to explain what was thought to be unexplainable – that both theories of creation are correct.
About the Author: |
The author, Allen Epling, is a former public school teacher of science and physics, and school supervisor and administrator. Mr. Epling has written several newspaper articles and published 3 research papers on physics and the structure of the universe. His passion is keeping up with the latest developments in particle physics and Cosmology. His formal education consists of an MA degree in Mathematics, Secondary Education, and holds a Rank I degree in education. His interest in history and the Bible go back to his undergraduate days when his formal science education began to conflict with his religious beliefs.
Book Review: |
Beyond Genesis offers an alternative explanation for the origin of man that is unique and different from either side in the familiar Creationism versus Evolution debate. The author believes the truth revealed in this book was not meant to be understood completely until the present age of information and reason. He reveals new insights which uncover a storyline in Genesis that has previously gone unnoticed. He offers timely new explanations for all the other "myths" of Genesis. All hypotheses are based on sound, recent science and the field of genetics, and are supported through references to the original sources. The central theme of the entire book is that the book of Genesis is accurate historically, and that modern man is a product of BOTH the evolutionary processes, AND a unique, separate line of man, the one referred to in Genesis. The book also reveals the ultimate "plan" for man and that it is not finished.
Order/Contact Info: |
Directly from the Author:
Allen Epling
P.O.Box 221
Virgie, Ky. 41572
Order the web site: http://www2.xlibris.com/bookstore/bookdisplay.asp?bookid=32435