Title: LIFE SUCKS!...just kidding
Author: Ali Skylar
Category: Religion & Spiritual, Entertainment, Biographies & Memoirs
Price: $9.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 112
ISBN Number:
Publication Date: March 2008
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About this Book: |
The philosophical, sarcastic, humorous, angry, bittersweet, ego-driven, spirit-driven essays in LIFE SUCKS!..just kidding, are an attempt by Ms. Skylar to make sense of her human and spiritual journey here on Planet Earth. And unlike many of the spiritual book authors out there who have found enlightenment, SHE AIN’T THERE YET! This collection of essays, which started out as journal entries, has become a revelatory journey where she is starting to find her voice as well as the humor in challenging situations. LIFE SUCKS!...just kidding, is for all the fellow LIFE SUCKERS and spiritual seekers out there who just need a place to say “THAT SUCKS—AND THAT’S THE TRUTH!” Most importantly, the messages within can serve as a reminder to see the humor and humanness in every situation. Read this book with a grain of salt and know that “this too shall pass.” This might help you to laugh with her and know her higher good, even as you follow her sarcastic, kicking and screaming, ranting and raving journey to the light……
About the Author: |
Ali Skylar is a fried and freaked-out, eclectic mom, who in addition to managing her crazy family these past 17 years, wrote music for and managed a children’s theater touring company, created and produced children’s CDs, including RECIPES IN A SONG and THE CURE FOR TV-ITIS, created and performed in the family show FEELINGSONGS, developed and taught music programs for local elementary schools and camps, and currently directs the chorus at the Center for Spiritual Living. Ali lives in Morristown, NJ with her Imaginologist husband, Jamie, her soon to be on Broadway daughter, Lexi Lryic, and her “finally sleeping through the night,” “why guy” son, Chaz.
Book Review: |
This book made me laugh out loud all by myself. That’s a rare thing, isn’t it? To laugh out loud by ourselves……. We need more of that, because life really is pretty funny when we look at it from a certain and different angle. In this book, Allison looks at life from a very human perspective with a willingness to evolve as a spiritual being in a human body, And to make sense of all the suffering that we experience as a result of that. Her evolution comes from dealing head on with very human experiences, saying it out loud AND putting it onto paper. To me it invites a willingness to experience all of life until we see the Truth and weave in into our awakened lives. I sense that all those who read this book will not only relate, but laugh out loud too!!!!!
The Reverend Frankie Timmers, who takes her spiritual awakening seriously, but herself lightly.
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