Title: Watchman! Watchman! What of The Night?
Author: A. F. Cristofaro
Category: History, Nonfiction, Religion & Spiritual
Price: $12.95
Language: English
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Number of Pages: 228
ISBN Number: 978-1-60458-489-9
Publication Date: June, 2009
Website: http://watchmanofthenight.com
Email: watchman@myfairpoint.net |
About this Book: |
Some geneal history, politics, religious influence in affairs of the world, general subjects, current events, and thoughts on some strange possible meanings to some of those many mysterious verses in the Holy Bible. Overall, even reading through some rambling, or some things insignificant, there are many very interesting points to consider.
About the Author: |
It is not important who or what the author is. But it could be interesting to see what he has to say. It was as John the Baptist, speaking of a strange thing about to come, that when officials of the religion and maybe government sent to find out what it was, they asked who he was. Lacking credential, he likened himself to 'a voice crying in the wilderness'. He himself indicated that he was not as important as what he felt he had to say.
Book Review: |
Read at least the introduction to get a general idea of what the book is all about, and other pages on display. And the back cover will give a hint to a very dangerous possibility that is looming over the world this very day, and that it was noticed and predicted some 2000 years ago, and even before. Go to the web site http://watchmanofthenight.com to see the back cover.
Order/Contact Info: |
Contact the author by author name, A. F. Cristofaro, by email at watchman@myfairpoint.net or through the web site.