Home » Custom Printing Services » 5 Ways To Use Custom Printed Wall Calendars to Enhance Your Business

5 Ways To Use Custom Printed Wall Calendars to Enhance Your Business

A custom printed wall calendar template

Calendars are unique. They are both decorative and practical. Their unique mixture of art and usefulness makes them an excellent tool for business owners. There are many ways that businesses can take advantage of custom printed wall calendars made exactly to their brand’s specific needs.

1. Reinforce Company Culture

Custom printed wall calendars are a great place to add quotes and inspiration. Those can be anything from the corporate mission statement to an exploration of company values. When added to an attractive image, it will draw employees’ eyes. Don’t have an image? No problem. Custom illustrations can be purchased for use in the calendar and made to meet company needs.

Frequent viewing of the image will help reinforce the ideas the calendar exhibits. In addition, these attractive calendars can be hung in break rooms, cubicles, meeting rooms, and other public places. They can also be given to employees as end-of-the-year gifts.

2. Highlight Company History

Custom printed wall calendars are a great way to share company history. This can include images of founders, charity events the company has participated in, employee engagement activities, or even previous locations if they are sentimental.

Calendars can be made with custom dates noted, including company anniversaries, events, employee birthdays, and celebrations of employees’ longevity with the company.

3. Include Calendars in the Giftshop

Calendars are an excellent way to keep a business in its customer’s thoughts for at least twelve months.

Custom printed wall calendars for customers should showcase what they love about the business and endear them to the brand.

If the business is a factory that offers tours, they might showcase interesting machines in their calendars or images of what they produce. A museum or other sightseeing attraction might highlight photos of the touring experience. A restaurant might feature pictures of their foods.

Whatever images are chosen for the custom printed wall calendar should immediately call the brand to the viewer’s mind.

Such unique calendars make great additions to gift shops or other places a company sells memorabilia and branded items.

4. Calendars Make Great Gifts

Custom printed wall calendars are great gifts for both employees and customers. Most people keep their calendars in a prominent place and look at them frequently. Every time a customer or employee looks at the calendar reminds them of their connection to that company.

It is also an excellent way for a company to keep its contact information accessible to customers, provided it is printed on the gifted calendar.

5.  Calendars Are Advertisements

Customers appreciate having attractive calendars to hang on their walls. A well-done calendar will be displayed with pride, whether on a kitchen or cubical wall. The hanging of the calendar is the owner’s implied endorsement of the company it represents. This allows a calendar to advertise for a company every time anyone enters the dwelling or workplace of the calendar owner.

Visitors’ eyes will be drawn to the attractive calendar, potentially offering repeated exposure to the calendar’s represented brand.

Custom printed wall calendars offer businesses great benefits, whether reinforcing the company culture with employees or reminding customers about a brand they love.

Custom printed wall calendars are easy and affordable to make with InstantPublisher. For assistance, call 1 800 259 2592, fill out our online contact form, or send an email to questions@instantpublisher.com.

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